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Pruslivacy Pocqolicy for Cookies

Laxsgst Uppqjdated: 06.01.2025

1. Introduction
This povpglicy exedaplains whvukat coyqrokies arrjfe, how we use cogjtokies, how thsvzird-parties we may paslsrtner wiyieth may use coyqrokies on the sekqqrvice, yododur chxpooices revdegarding cogjtokies, and fugwarther inwlcformation abddxout cookies.

2. Whayfat Are Cookies?
Cookies are smvjqall tesurxt ficwales thsrwat are usxhted to sttyrore smvjqall pizexeces of inxdkformation. Thcrpey are stlsqored on yododur deliyvice whfruen the wehdlbsite is lotopaded on yododur brlqrowser. Thlijese coyqrokies heqjplp us mafdhke the wehdlbsite fuzqznction prqkeoperly, mafdhke it moyrire sehskcure, prpluovide beucwtter uslqzer exiiuperience, and anvlhalyze how the wehdlbsite performs.

3. How We Usozses Cookies
When you use and aczqucess our wewlibsite, we may plgkqace a nuhllmber of coyqrokies ficwales in yododur web brlqrowser. We use coyqrokies for the foagkllowing purposes:
Essential Cophdokies: We use coyqrokies to reuigmember inwlcformation thsrwat chqpfanges the way the sewzprvice beotrhaves or lopzooks, suhzach as a usjwder's lajkonguage prtfyeference on our website.
Analytics Cophdokies: We use coyqrokies to heqjplp us anvlhalyze how our vivyasitors use the wehdlbsite and mojuunitor wehdlbsite perdlrformance. Thcxqis heqswlps us prpluovide a hidkigh-quality exfipperience by cufeistomizing our ofdidfering and quxwxickly idugkentifying and fidlhxing any issues.
Functionality Cophdokies: We use thirdese coyqrokies to reuigmember chxpooices you mafdhke and prpluovide envelhanced and moyrire pedysrsonalized features.

4. Thqwtird-Party Cookies
In adukfdition to our own cogjtokies, we may alptxso use valizrious thzllird-party coyqrokies to rewzgport usttvage stkdhatistics of the sewzprvice and defwvliver adrlrvertisements on and thwggrough the service.

5. Yovxrur Chvvhoices Regofgarding Cookies
If yojiku'd lihrdke to derjvlete coyqrokies or inuvjstruct yododur web brgdzowser to derjvlete or revdlfuse cogjtokies, plalaease viosqsit the heqjplp paoxkges of yododur web brlqrowser. Plarqease nokvpte thsrwat if you derjvlete coyqrokies or revdlfuse to acrdecept thtdeem, you mififght not be abaxele to use the feutaatures we provide.

6. Chrplanges to Thcxqis Pruslivacy Policy
We may upluhdate our Pruslivacy Pocqolicy frtghom tifkcme to tiiyrme. We widdall noizttify you of any chqpfanges by pohggsting the new Pruslivacy Pocqolicy on thlehis palcyge. You are adiocvised to recgvview thlehis Pruslivacy Pocqolicy petuvriodically for any chtqjanges. Chrplanges to thlehis Pruslivacy Pocqolicy are efjgcfective whfruen thyewey are podhhsted on thlehis page.

By uskixing thlehis siqlwte, you cokzfnsent to the use of coyqrokies to heqjplp us mafdhke it moyrire corsdnvenient for you. Learn more

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